曾令兵-长江水产研究所 长江水产研究所
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通讯地址:湖北省武汉东湖新技术开发区武大园一路8号长江水产研究所; 邮政编码:430223
   1983年7月毕业于武汉大学病毒学系,获理学学士学位;1999年12月获华中科技大学生物医学工程系医学硕士学位;2006年6月获得武汉大学微生物学博士学位(病毒学方向)。2002年10月至2006年1月,留学美国夏威夷大学太平洋生物科学研究中心逆转录病毒学实验室。现任中国水产科学研究院水产病害防治重点研究领域首席科学家、中国水产科学研究院学术委员会常务委员、中国水产科学研究院水产病害防治学科副主任,中国水产科学研究院淡水鱼类育种与健康养殖重点实验室主任、中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所鱼类病害研究室主任、国家现代农业产业技术体系“大宗淡水鱼类产业技术体系”病毒病防控岗位科学家,农业部水产养殖病害防治专家委员会淡水病毒病首席专家;华中农业大学、湖南农业大学博士研究生导师;华中农业大学、南京农业大学、上海海洋大学、湖南农业大学硕士研究生导师;是国际知名刊物Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Aquaculture, Journal of Virological Methods, Virology Journal, Disease of Aquatic Organisms, Antiviral Research, Veterinary Microbiology等十余种期刊的资深审稿人。
1.   水生动物细胞培养、疾病诊断、病原分离鉴定;
2.   鱼类病毒感染机理与免疫预防技术;
3.   慢病毒载体介导的RNAi抑制鱼类病毒复制;
4.   抗病基因克隆与鱼类分子与细胞水平的抗病育种技术;
5.   水产病原分子生物学、鱼类疾病状态的基因组与蛋白质组学;
1.  中国水产科学研究院鱼类病害防治技术研究学科委员会副主任;
2.   中国水产科学研究院学术委员会常务委员;
3.   中国水产科学研究院水产病害防治重点研究领域首席科学家;
4.   国家大宗淡水鱼类产业技术体系病毒病防控岗位科学家;
5.   华中农业大学、湖南农业大学博士研究生导师;华中农业大学、上海海洋大学、南京农业大学硕士研究生导师;
6.   中国细胞生物学学会会员;
7.   湖北省细胞生物学学会动物细胞委员会副主任;
8.   美国水产学会会员
9.   农业部水产养殖病害防治专家委员会委员;
10. 农业部兽药审评专家委员会委员。
1.   国家现代农业产业技术体系大宗淡水鱼类产业技术体系病毒病防控岗位科学家(CARS-46-11),2008-2015年,560万元。
2.   科技部“973”项目“可控水体中华鲟养殖关键生物学问题研究”子课题(2015CB150700),2015-2019,245万元。
3.   公益性行业专项大鲵养殖病害防治技术研究,2012-2016年,74万元。
4.   公益性行业(农业)科研专项“主要淡水鱼出血病病原学与新技术疫苗研究”子课题(201203086-05),2008-2010年,272万元。
2.          Lili Huang, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Yan Meng, Wenzhi Liu, Nan Jiang, LingbingZeng. Cloning, sequence analysis and expression profiles of Toll-like receptor 7 from Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015. 184:52-57 (通讯作者;2014年IF:1.904)
3.          Jiang Nan, Zeng Lingbing, Characterization of the tissue tropism of Chinese giant salamander iridovirus and the inflammatory response after infection. 2015, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.. DOI:10.3354 /dao02868 (通讯作者;2014年IF:1.586)
4.          Jie Ma, Nan Jiang, Scott E LaPatra, Ling Jin, Jin Xu, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Lingbing Zeng. Establishment of a novel and highly permissive cell line for the efficient replication of cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2). 2015, Veterinary Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.04.006  (通讯作者;2014年IF:2.726)
5.          Jin Xu, Xianhui Zeng, Nan Jiang, Yong Zhou, Lingbing Zeng. Pseudomonas alcaligenes infection and mortality in cultured Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. 2015. Aquaculture. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.04.014  (通讯作者;2014年IF:1.828)
6.          J. Ma, L. Zeng, Y. Zhou, N. Jiang, H. Zhang, Y. Fan, Y. Meng and J. Xu. Ultrastructural Morphogenesis of an Amphibian Iridovirus Isolated from Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus). Journal of Comparative Pathology, 2014,150: 325-331.(通讯作者,2013 IF 1.376).
7.          Jie Ma, Lingbing Zeng, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Nan Jiang, Qian Chen. Significant inhibition of two different genotypes of grass carp reovirus in vitro using multiple shRNAs expression vectors. Virus Research, 2014, 189: 47-55.(通讯作者, 2013 IF 2.745)。
8.          Hui Zhang, Lingbing Zeng, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Jin Xu, Jie Ma. A loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Cyprinid Herpesvirus 2 in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). The Scientific World Journal,2014, Article ID 716413, 6 pages.(http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/716413).(通讯作者,2013 IF 1.73).
9.          Yan Meng, Jie Ma, Nan Jiang, Ling-Bing Zeng, Han-Bing Xiao. Pathological and microbiological findings from mortality of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Archives of Virology, 2014, 159(6):1403-1412.(通讯作者, 2013 IF 2.03)
10.       Yong Zhou, Yuding Fan, Lingbing Zeng. Construction of a recombinant eukaryotic vector for a grass carp reovirus VP6 gene and its expression in vitro and in vivo. Indian Journal of Virology,2014, 25(1):69-77.(通讯作者, 2013 IF 0.364)
11.       Wenzhi Liu, Jin Xu (共同第一作者), Jie Ma, Scott E LaPatra, Yan Meng, Yuding Fan,Yong Zhou, Xin Yang, Lingbing Zeng. Immunological responses and protectionin Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianusimmunized withinactivated iridovirus. Veterinary Microbiology, 2014, 174: 382-390. (通讯作者,2013 IF 3.127)
12.       J. Xu, L.B. Zeng, X.S. Luo, Y. Wang, Y.D. Fan, S.Y. Gong. Reovirus infection emerged in cultured channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in China. Aquaculture, 2013. 372(375):39-44.(通讯作者, IF 2.01)
13.       Jin Xu, Lingbing Zeng, Hui Zhang, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou. Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 infection emerged in cultured gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio in China Veterinary Microbiology, 2013,166(1-2):138-144(通讯作者, IF 3.127)
14.       Yuding Fan, Shujing Rao, Lingbing Zeng, Jie Ma, Yong Zhou, Jin Xu, Hui Zhang. Identification and genomic characterization ofa novel fish reovirus, Hubei grass carp disease reovirus,isolated in 2009 in China. Journal of General Virology, 2013, 94, 2266–2277(通讯作者,IF 3.127)
15.       Yan Meng,Hui Zhangb Lingbing Zeng  Hanbin Xiao Zhengyong Gaoa Congxin Xie. Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Chinese giant salamander Iridovirus。Journal of Virological Methods, 2013 194 (2013) 211– 216(通讯作者,IF 1.90)
16.       Jie Ma,Weiming Wang, Lingbing Zeng, Yuding Fan, Jin Xu, Yong Zhou.Inhibition of the replication of grass carp reovirus in CIK cells with plasmid-transcribed shRNAs. Journal of Virological Methods,2011,175(2):182-187.(通讯作者,IF 2.011)
1.   实用新型专利:愈伤组织清洗管(已授权,专利号:ZL 201020192543.5);
2.   发明专利:大鲵虹彩病毒TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR试剂盒与应用(已授权,专利号:ZL201110241848.X);
3.   发明专利:一种斑点叉尾鮰出血病的灭活疫苗及制备方法和应用(已授权,ZL201110355780.8);
4.   发明专利:一种鲤疱疹病毒2型的巢式PCR检测试剂盒(2014已授权,ZL 201210378833.2;徐进、张辉、曾令兵)
5.   发明专利:一种大鲵虹彩病毒LAMP检测试剂盒与检测方法(2014已授权,ZL 201310000433.2;曾令兵、孟彦、徐进、张辉、周勇、范玉顶)
6.   发明专利:一种草鱼呼肠孤病毒RT-PCR检测试剂盒及检测方法(2014已授权,ZL201210398483.6;张辉、曾令兵、周勇、范玉顶、徐进)
7.   发明专利:一种抗病毒复方中药及制备方法和应用(已授权,ZL201210395658.8; 曾令兵、梁勇、周勇、范玉顶、徐进)
8.   发明专利:鲤疱疹病毒II型敏感的异育银鲫脑组织细胞系及其建立方法和应用 (已授权,ZL201310658939.2;马杰、曾令兵、江南、徐进、范玉顶、周勇
1.   2014,养殖大鲵重要疾病病原学与防治技术研究,湖北省科技厅鉴定成果,2014年9月。第一完成人。
2.   2012,斑点叉尾鮰肾脏组织细胞系建立及呼肠孤病毒分离鉴定;湖北省科技进步三等奖,第一完成人;
3.   2012,斑点叉尾鮰肾脏组织细胞系建立及呼肠孤病毒分离鉴定;水科院科技进步二等奖,第一完成人;
4.   2002,草鱼出血病细胞培养灭活疫苗大规模生产工艺研究;湖北省科技进步三等奖;第一完成人;
5.   1996,两种抗逆草鱼品种的培育;中国水产科学研究院科技进步二等奖;第六完成人;
6.   1993,草鱼出血病防治技术研究;国家科技进步一等奖;第十三完成人;
7.   1991,草鱼出血病防治技术研究;农业部科技进步一等奖;第十三完成人;
8.   1990,草鱼出血病细胞培养灭活疫苗研究;中国水产科学研究院科技进步一等奖;第五完成人;
9.   1985,草鱼肾脏组织细胞系的建立及草鱼出血病病毒的分离鉴定;农业部科技进步二等奖;主要参加者
1.   曾令兵,周勇。 大宗淡水鱼生产配套技术手册(第八章),2013, 中国农业出版社,p251-311。
2.   曾令兵。 大宗淡水鱼类安全生产技术指南,2012,中国农业出版社。
3.   曾令兵、张辉。 中国水产科学发展报告(2006-2010),2012,中国农业出版社。
4.   曾令兵、吴淑勤。水产养殖病害研究现状与发展趋势,中国水产科学发展报告(2008-2009), 2010,农业出版社。
5.   曾令兵。鱼类细胞培养理论与技术(第四章:鱼类细胞培养与细胞系建立),2011,科学出版社。
Introduction to Prof. ZENG, Lingbing, Ph.D
Name: ZENG, Lingbing
Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: Jun 14, 1962
Professional Title: Research Professor
Degree: Ph. D
Positions: Director
Core Laboratory of Yangtze River Basin’s Aquatic Animals Disease
Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fish Breeding and Healthy Aquaculture, CAFS
Division of Fish Pathology
Institution: Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
Field: Aquatic Animal Diseases and the Control
Contact Information:
Tel/Fax: 02781780158(Lab)
Mobile: 18627783535
Address: No.8 1st Wudayuan Road, Wuhan East Lake Hi-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, China Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute
Postal Code: 430223
1979-1983: Wuhan University, Department of Virology, B. S
1997-1999: Huazhong Sci & Tech. University, Department of Medical Bioengineering, M. M
2001-2006: Wuhan University, College of Life Science, Microbiology, Ph.D
2002-2006: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Pacific Biomedical Research Center, Retrovirology Research Laboratory, Visiting scholar for Ph.D dissertation research
Research Experiences:
   Since my graduation from the Department of Virology of Wuhan University in July, 1983, I have been engaged in the researches on the fundamentals of applied theories and the prevention and treatment techniques of fish diseases for over 27years at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, CAFS, and chaired or joined more than 20 projects or grants from the sources of the State, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, etc. In the fields of fish cells culture, fish diseases diagnosis, isolation and identification of aquatic pathogens, pathology, epidemiology, molecular biology and vaccinology, etc, I have a plenty of fundamental knowledge and intensive expertise. I have made contributions to the isolation and identification of Grass carp hemorrhage virus in China, and fully investigated the biological characterizations and genome analysis of the virus, and developed a technology for the large-scale killed vaccine preparation and application of the disease. Due to the outstanding jobs in the field, I have gained several awards for the science advancement from the State, the Ministry of agriculture and the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, etc. Currently, eight grants about the diseases of major farming species and the prevention technologies supported by the National Sci & Tech Ministry, the ministry of Agriculture are going on in my Lab.
Research Interests:
1.        Aquatic animals cell line establishment, diseases diagnosis, isolation and identification of aquatic pathogens
2.        Mechanisms of fish viruses infection and the immunological prevention
3.        Gene transfer mediated by lentivectors and RNA interfering of fish viruses
4.        Disease-resistant gene cloning and disease-resistant fish species breeding based on molecular and cellular technology
5.        Molecular epidemiology, ecology of aquatic pathogens
6.        Geonomics and proteomics in diseased fish.
Major Researches Currently Chaired:
1.       Aetiology of the major freshwater fishes hemorrhage and the new technical vaccines innovation (2008-2010, the Ministry of Agriculture of China)
2.       The viral diseases control of the national industry system of conventional fishes (2008-2012, the Modern Technical system for National Agricultural Industry)
3.       The preparation and application of inactivated vaccine against the herpesvirus disease of Channel catfish (2006-2010, the National Sci & Tech Supporting Plan for the 11th Five-Year)
4.       The breeding technology of disease-resistant Grass carp (2006-2010, the National Sci & Tech Supporting Plan for the 11th Five-Year)
5.       The early warning, forecasting and controlling system for aquatic animal diseases in Jingzhou (2009-2010, Jingzhou Sci & Tech Bureau, Hubei)
Professional Activities:
1.        Vice-director, Discipline of the Prevention & Control of Aquatic Diseases, CAFS
2.        Standing Member of the Academic Committee, CAFS
3.        Executive Scientist in Fish viral disease control of the National Industrial System for Conventional Freshwater Fishes
4.        Executive Scientist of the Center for Fish Diseases Research and Control, CAFS
5.        Tutorial fellowship of College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University,
6.        Tutorial fellowship of College of Biotechnology and Fisheries, Shanghai Ocean University
7.        Tutorial fellowship of the Chinese Academy of Agriculture
8.        Senior member of the Chinese Fisheries Society
9.        Member of the Chinese Cell Biology Society
10.      Vice-director, Animal Cell Biology Branch, Hubei Cell Biology Society
11.      Member of the American Fisheries Society
Major Publications:
2.          Lili Huang, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Yan Meng, Wenzhi Liu, Nan Jiang, LingbingZeng. Cloning, sequence analysis and expression profiles of Toll-like receptor 7 from Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015. 184:52-57 (通讯作者;2014年IF:1.904)
3.          Jiang Nan, Zeng Lingbing, Characterization of the tissue tropism of Chinese giant salamander iridovirus and the inflammatory response after infection. 2015, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.. DOI:10.3354 /dao02868 (通讯作者;2014年IF:1.586)
4.          Jie Ma, Nan Jiang, Scott E LaPatra, Ling Jin, Jin Xu, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Lingbing Zeng. Establishment of a novel and highly permissive cell line for the efficient replication of cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2). 2015, Veterinary Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.04.006  (通讯作者;2014年IF:2.726)
5.          Jin Xu, Xianhui Zeng, Nan Jiang, Yong Zhou, Lingbing Zeng. Pseudomonas alcaligenes infection and mortality in cultured Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. 2015. Aquaculture. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.04.014  (通讯作者;2014年IF:1.828)
6.          J. Ma, L. Zeng, Y. Zhou, N. Jiang, H. Zhang, Y. Fan, Y. Meng and J. Xu. Ultrastructural Morphogenesis of an Amphibian Iridovirus Isolated from Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus). Journal of Comparative Pathology, 2014,150: 325-331.(通讯作者,2013 IF 1.376).
7.          Jie Ma, Lingbing Zeng, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Nan Jiang, Qian Chen. Significant inhibition of two different genotypes of grass carp reovirus in vitro using multiple shRNAs expression vectors. Virus Research, 2014, 189: 47-55.(通讯作者, 2013 IF 2.745)。
8.          Hui Zhang, Lingbing Zeng, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou, Jin Xu, Jie Ma. A loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Cyprinid Herpesvirus 2 in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). The Scientific World Journal,2014, Article ID 716413, 6 pages.(http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/716413).(通讯作者,2013 IF 1.73).
9.          Yan Meng, Jie Ma, Nan Jiang, Ling-Bing Zeng, Han-Bing Xiao. Pathological and microbiological findings from mortality of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Archives of Virology, 2014, 159(6):1403-1412.(通讯作者, 2013 IF 2.03)
10.       Yong Zhou, Yuding Fan, Lingbing Zeng. Construction of a recombinant eukaryotic vector for a grass carp reovirus VP6 gene and its expression in vitro and in vivo. Indian Journal of Virology,2014, 25(1):69-77.(通讯作者, 2013 IF 0.364)
11.       Wenzhi Liu, Jin Xu (共同第一作者), Jie Ma, Scott E LaPatra, Yan Meng, Yuding Fan,Yong Zhou, Xin Yang, Lingbing Zeng. Immunological responses and protectionin Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianusimmunized withinactivated iridovirus. Veterinary Microbiology, 2014, 174: 382-390. (通讯作者,2013 IF 3.127)
12.       J. Xu, L.B. Zeng, X.S. Luo, Y. Wang, Y.D. Fan, S.Y. Gong. Reovirus infection emerged in cultured channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in China. Aquaculture, 2013. 372(375):39-44.(通讯作者, IF 2.01)
13.       Jin Xu, Lingbing Zeng, Hui Zhang, Yuding Fan, Yong Zhou. Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 infection emerged in cultured gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio in China Veterinary Microbiology, 2013,166(1-2):138-144(通讯作者, IF 3.127)
14.       Yuding Fan, Shujing Rao, Lingbing Zeng, Jie Ma, Yong Zhou, Jin Xu, Hui Zhang. Identification and genomic characterization ofa novel fish reovirus, Hubei grass carp disease reovirus,isolated in 2009 in China. Journal of General Virology, 2013, 94, 2266–2277(通讯作者,IF 3.127)
15.       Yan Meng,Hui Zhangb Lingbing Zeng  Hanbin Xiao Zhengyong Gaoa Congxin Xie. Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Chinese giant salamander Iridovirus。Journal of Virological Methods, 2013 194 (2013) 211– 216(通讯作者,IF 1.90)
16.       Jie Ma,Weiming Wang, Lingbing Zeng, Yuding Fan, Jin Xu, Yong Zhou.Inhibition of the replication of grass carp reovirus in CIK cells with plasmid-transcribed shRNAs. Journal of Virological Methods,2011,175(2):182-187.(通讯作者,IF 2.011)
Research achievements:
2012, Establishment of Channel catfish kidney cell line and the isolation and identification of reovirus. 3rd class award of the Science Advancement of the Science and Technology Bureau of Hubei Province.
2002, The large-scale productive technology of killed vaccine against the Grass carp hemorrhage. 3rd class award of the Science Advancement of the Science and Technology Bureau of Hubei Province.
1996, Rearing two species of farmed fishes with anti-degeneration characters. 2nd class award of the Science Advancement of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences.
1993, The prevention and treatment techniques against the Grass carp hemorrhage. 1st class award of the Science Advancement of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
1991, The prevention and treatment techniques against the Grass carp hemorrhage. 1st class award of of the Science Advancement the ministry of agriculture.
1990, Killed vaccine against the Grass carp hemorrhage. 1st class award of the Science Advancement of the Chinese academy of fishery science.
1985, Establishment of cell line derived from Grass carp kidney and isolation of Grass carp hemorrhage virus. 2nd class award of the Science Advancement of the Ministry of Agriculture.
日期:2009-07-30 阅读:次
七月气温逐渐升高 水产养殖注意事项
·  鱼病诊断与安全用药技术
·  鱼病用药有窍门
·  中草药防治鱼病效果佳
·  夏季鱼生病 用药十注意
·  无公害渔药基本要求

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