- 胭脂鱼超声波标记植入技术及其跟踪效果(李飞扬,2019)
- 鲟分枝杆菌病病原生物学及其防治研究(黄君,2019)
- 长江中游鱼类群落的时空动态与保护区优化研究(谢晓,2019)
- 匙吻鲟性腺组织冷冻保存的研究(周从利,2019)
- 中华鲟血液雌二醇和睾酮检测方法的建立及应用(仝爽,2019)
- 长江7种鱼类声学目标强度研究(蔡志宇,2019)
- 鲟科类精子冷冻保存的改良及其精子质量评价的研究(席萌丹,2018)
- 达氏鲟微卫星开发及其亲子鉴定应用效果评估(肖新平,2018)
- 葛洲坝下近坝江段物理环境与鱼类时空分布特征的研究(李君轶,2017)
- 施氏鲟麻醉及术后切口愈合过程研究(杨俊琳,2018)
- 达氏鲟dmc1和ly75基因的cDNA克隆及在精子生成中的表达分析(向浩,2018)
- 中华鲟在葛洲坝下自然繁殖出现小规模断续偶发新趋势
- First Study on Interferon Regulatory Factor in Sturgeon: Expression Pattern o...
- Variability in the protein profiles in spermatozoa of two sturgeon species
- Antioxidant supplementation, effect on post-thaw spermatozoon function in thr...
- Assignment of parentage by microsatellite analysis in the endangered Brachymy...
- Gender and gonadal maturity stage identification of captive Chinese sturgeon,...
- Ecological Effects of the First Dam on Yangtze Main Stream and Future Conserv...
- Identification of key nutrients for gonadal development by comparative analys...
- Genetic identification of the caviar-producing Amur and Kaluga sturgeons reve...