Molecular and expression characterization of two somatostatin genes in the Chinese sturgeon...-长江水产研究所 长江水产研究所

Molecular and expression characterization of two somatostatin genes in the Chinese sturgeon...

Abstract: Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a rare and endangered species and also an important resource for the sturgeon aquaculture industry. SMART cDNA was synthesized from the hypothalamus of Chinese sturgeon,and the full-length cDNAs of two somatostatin (SS) genes were cloned and sequenced. The first cDNA (AsSS1)encodes a 116-amino acid protein that contains the SS14 sequence at its C-terminal extremity. AsSS1 shows high identity to that of human and other vertebrates. The second cDNA (AsSS2) encodes a 111-amino acid protein that contains the somatostatin variant [Pro2]-SS14 at its C-terminal extremity. Both the two SS mRNAs were expressed in brain and pituitary with different mRNA levels. But in peripheral tissues, AsSS2 was more widely distributed than AsSS1. High mRNA levels of AsSS2 were found in liver, kidney and heart, while low mRNA levels of AsSS2 were also detected in ovary. Throughout embryogenesis and early larval development only AsSS2 mRNAs were detected. Furthermore, in the hypothalamus of one to five year-old Chinese sturgeon, AsSS2 but not AsSS1 maintained stable expression. The mRNA distribution suggests that the Chinese sturgeon AsSS2 products play important physiological functions in adult fish as well as in cell growth and organ differentiation in embryo and larva development.

附件下载:Chuang-Ju Li, Qi-Wei Wei, Li Zhou, et al. Molecular and expression characterization of two somatostatin genes in the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2009, 154: 127-134. pdf